NLP in Croatia

Pictures of the NLP course in Vukovar 2008:

after receiving the international recognised certificates

anchoring succesful experiences

Sytse before the CWWPP office with the announcement of the course

exercise of the hierarchy of language


Reactions of the NLP cursists in Croatia

  • Very useful for my work with people, I will use it in my life as in my job.
  • Very useful ! I can see things in a different way and now I can change some of it!
  • Very fun, very nice. Would be better if we had a bigger room. Three Perceptual Positions was a great experience.
  • The course was very useful. The feelings are very warm. I feel that I have more power and then I can improve my communication with others, and my self confidence.
  • Great. So much energy and smiling I haven't experienced for a long time.
  • The course was very effective in producing creative ideas and insights which was seen in all course participants.
  • I have never thought in my life about myself so much as in this few days, NLP open me for new views. It helped me to recognize and become aware of all aspects of myself that I have to work on them.
  • Very useful, I feel very motivated to learn more.
  • Very good, I have only good opinion.

  • I liked trainers examples. There were a lot of laughing, and that is helping to remember better. It is useful for me, in my personal and professional life.

  • Very useful. It helped me to continue on my life way that humans are complex and to approach to human development is like synthesizing lot of sciences.